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My copy of Alexej Von Jawlensky "Girl with Red Ribbon", oil, 2024 (detail)
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Sat, 25 Jun 2016
The Deluge in Dulwich
# 07:31 in ./general

The Deluge is Winifred Knights' most famous painting: it usually hangs in The Tate and is a striking early 20th century "modernist" work. The British School in Rome awarded it the Scholarship in Decorative Painting in 1920, one of the prime movers in this award being the painter John Singer Sargent (one of the greatest ever artists).

Dulwich Picture Gallery has an exhibition of her work at the moment and, although fairly small, it is possible to see a real growth in the quality of her work over her (few) years.She died in 1947, at the age of 48. not leaving a large body of work but some of the work she did leave is very good.

She has a web site.

The Dulwich Picture Gallery has a Winifred Knights exhibition on until 18 September 2016.

Below: Edge of Abruzzi, 1924, 68x68cm, Oil

Below: Scenes from the Life of Saint Martin of Tours (Detail),
1928-1933, 73x159cm, Oil/Tempera

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